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Get Success

Get Success is a process of self-discovery and self-change. We focus on the 6 main areas of your life: Health, Relationships, Career, Financial, Emotional and Spiritual and assist you making fast and lasting change.

You decide what you want and NLP helps you get there.




Our Success Coaching system is designed to bring out your best, to enhance your present abilities, sharpen your skills and accelerate your success - regardless of how you define success.

We'll guide you in creating a life plan that will be fulfilling at the deepest level, by assisting you to make positive changes in one or more areas of your life. These life areas fall within the categories of Business, Health, Finance, Relationships, Emotions and Spirituality.

Together, we establish goals and then we support, encourage and challenge you toward your outcome. We work with individuals who are ready to change and to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. As we always say “Who is driving your bus?” We are the navigator who will guide you to explore new ideas and options along the way.

We offer all new clients A COMPLIMENTARY SESSION where you can experience an actual coaching session. At this time we will answer any questions you may have and give you an overview of how the process works.

Our coaching program is available in the following formats:

 Face-to-face meeting
 Telephone
 Email


Most of our clients meet at our offices at A Perfect Mind or you can choose any of our other formats outlined above. It is usual that our time together will last an hour every week or fortnightly however this can be varied and flexible depending on your time and schedule. A minimum of 12 sessions is customary. We find that clients having achieved their initial goal will often come back again to meet another challenge.


Benefits of a Success Coaching for You

 Set clear and inspiring goals
 Get greater purpose and desire in life
 Maintain a positive attitude at all times
 Boost your energy and focus
 Improve your health
 Let go of limiting beliefs
 Increase your self-confidence
 Enjoy new and exciting social interactions

Contact us for a free introductory session where you will find out what success coaching will do for you.


The Personal Breakthrough Session is one our most powerful programs for clients. It is designed to work on a specific area of your life to achieve the goals you desire. These specific areas can include career, relationships, personal growth, quitting smoking, weight reduction, phobias, fears and anxiety. Whatever your need, the Personal Breakthrough Session will assist you in achieving your goal.

Our coaches are Trainers and Master Practitioners in NLP, Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnotherapy. Using these powerful, effective and lasting tools we can help you gain control of any area of your life.


If you have anger, sadness, fear or guilt from situations that have occurred over the course of your life or have limiting beliefs about your abilities, talents, health, relationships or career, then the Personal Breakthrough Session is for you. These sessions are for individuals, couples, children and young adults.

“The significant problems we face cannot be resolved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”
Albert Einstein


Most of our clients meet at our offices at A Perfect Mind or you can choose to have the session via Telephone or Email. A typical Personal Breakthrough Session takes between 6 to 10 hours.

More specific Therapy Sessions include:


Couple therapy focuses on the problems existing in the relationship between two people. These relationship problems always involve individual issues, as well as the relationship conflicts. For example, if you are constantly arguing with your spouse, you will probably also be chronically anxious, angry or depressed (or all three). Or, if you have difficulty controlling your temper, you will have more arguments with your partner.

In couple therapy, A Perfect Mind will help you and your partner identify the conflict issues within your relationship, and will help you decide what changes are needed, in the relationship and in the behavior of each partner, for both of you to feel satisfied with the relationship.

These changes may be different ways of interacting within the relationship, or they may be individual changes related to personal negative values and limiting beliefs. Couples therapy involves learning how to communicate more effectively, and how to listen more closely. Couples will learn how to avoid competing with each other, identify common life goals and share responsibilities within their relationship.

“Look at the weaknesses of others with compassion, not accusation. It's not what they're not doing or should be doing that's the issue. The issue is your own chosen response to the situation and what you should be doing. If you start to think the problem is "out there," stop yourself. That thought is the problem.”


Smoking is not a function of will power but a habit triggered by the unconscious.

“Hypnosis is the most effective way of giving up smoking according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little”

Our coaches use NLP, Time Line Therapy® and Hypnotherapy to produce a treatment that is tailored to your needs and will help you stop smoking in the most effortless way possible. We get amazing results with all of our clients.


Uncovering the real reasons behind any eating/weight issue is what allows us to help you let go of your weight loss limitations. You will notice immediate results both physically and emotionally regarding food and your body image. Any weight change through this therapy will be maintained.


Depression is mostly known as a very low state of being which often includes the feelings of hopelessness, heaviness, sadness, fatigue and lethargy. It is a state that affects our emotions, mind and body and is virtually the opposite of being peaceful and happy. A Perfect Mind will treat the root cause of depression by accessing the unconscious mind using NLP and Time Line Therapy™ and Hypnotherapy.


Phobias (Fear of Flying, Fear of Heights, Fear of Public Speak, and more) and panic attacks can prevent you from living a truly fulfilled life. We have the tools to allow you to let go of these fears effortlessly and easily. NLP has long been regarded as the most effective tool for phobias and anxiety. And, it’s gone quickly, easily and forever.


Anxiety and Stress can lead to very serious mental and physical health problems. If the anxiety and/or stress in your life is unbearable, contact us to arrange a session with one of our NLP Trainers and Master Practitioners.

Book any therapy session now