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Men get Dating SARGE NIGHT is a practical pick-up experience in Sydney’s most popular night spots. Visiting Sydney’s finest pubs and clubs offers the perfect opportunity to mingle, mix and network with Sydney’s fashionable and hottest crowd.
SARGING is to go out with style and confidence to meet, interact and socialize with women you would want to spend time with.

SARGE NIGHT, allows men go out in Sydney with expert attraction coaches to learn how to attract women in Sydney’s most popular nightspots. Learn, watch and Sarge with the best in Sydney

Men will walk away with from SARGE NIGHT with the belief, confidence and skills to be more effective and stylish in the manner in which they present themselves.

We meet our clients at a quiet location to brief . We talk on what it takes to approach, trigger attraction, and present a powerful image. We also cover in depth how to deal with rejection.

We actively demonstrate on the body language when approaching, conversational topics and how to take the interaction further.

People that attend SARGE NIGHT will have a better understanding of the social dynamics between men and women.

They will be more confident and willing to approach women when they desire and continue the interaction without coming across weird or creepy. And, where else would be better then Sydney’s most popular and best drinking spots. Sarge night visits different locations in and around Sydney meeting new and interesting people on the fisrt and third Friday of every month.

During the SARGE night you will visit 3 to 5 pubs in one area of Sydney from 8pm till 2am. With a pick-up artist at your side, giving you tips and motivation, you will enjoy the company of Sydney’s best-looking people at different hot spots for $200 per person.

Attraction Coach Profiles

Alex - Actor
As the founder of NLC Alex believes that attracting women is a skill that can be taught to anyone no matter what their income, looks or nationality. With his immense understanding of attraction theory, cocky wit, playful demeanour and his refined style he naturally draws women to his side. Alex shares with you his secrets on how to attract the women of your dreams. Possessing an instinctive eye for fashion he will get you styled up and feeling full on confidence in no time. Alex instructs men how to ‘game’ using a simple and distinctive style.

Stephen - Ambition
As a leading partner and co-founder of NLC, Stephen has demonstrated his extraordinary ability in being able to meet and attract beautiful women of all background and nationalities. With his natural charm and the ability to make people at ease, combined with his vast knowledge of social theories, he has a known reputation for getting consistent results. After becoming convinced that everyone has different styles that suit their own personality that naturally draws attractive women, Stephen experimented as to what works and what doesn’t in the real world. Having recently graduated from top law school in Australia, Stephen decided to share his experience with those willing to learn how to naturally attract beautiful women and use his extremely analytical ability to help guys find their own best styles. Today, he can often be seen around Sydney’s hottest bars and clubs having the time of his life.