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With your new visual appearance and great visual image you will benefit from an increased self-esteem and confidence. When you know you look great you walk, talk and think differently. Their overhaul improved appearance and renewed confidence will result in others seeing you in a positive new light, which will attract new and exciting opportunities and relationships.

1. Red Hot Beauty - Fatal Attraction
2. The Closet Shake Up!
3. Shopping Experience - Guided Tour
4. Make-up – Adonia Cosmetics
5. Style Analysis - 'Your Personal Style Solutions'
6. Colour Analysis - 'Your Personal Colour Solutions' portfolio
7. What is an Image Consultant?

Red Hot Beauty - Fatal Attraction

Still waiting for your fairy godmother to make you into a fetching princess? Has the daily grind of life's responsibilities left you feeling less than frisky? Ready to get the magic back into your Mojo?

Modern-day fairy godmother, Mojo Maker, will support you in transforming into a strong, self-confident beauty with fatal attraction in just a short time.

The Femme Fatale Look
A hairstyle that reflects your natural feminine beauty and that exudes self-confidence, along with hair and skin care basics, followed by expert make-up application training.

Fashion Rescue
Out with the old; make room for the new. Change is constant. Fashions change, our shapes change, our styles change. An organized wardrobe sets the stage for what's next.

There's a style that flatters you and leaves you feeling great about yourself. We'll discover that look together. Image coaching will help you put just the right new mix of essentials back into your closet.

Shopping Time
Time to learn how to shop with class and get what you actually need.

$999, take a friend with you through the process for only $499 each!

The Closet Shake Up!

It’s out with the old, make room for the new. When you look in the mirror, do your clothes reflect your true personality? Wouldn't it be great to go through the day knowing that your clothes flatter you and reflect your personality? It would certainly boost your attitude! It's easy to hang on to clothes that don't really work because they have meaning, are easy, or seemed stylish on the mannequins.

We will wave the transformation wand and select the clothes that need to go and organize your attire along the way. We will show you what you can do with the "keepers" and advise you on what to purchase! Carrying out your new image on a day to day basis can be easy and simple!

$99 per hour, 2 hour minimum. Most closets take from 2-4hrs.

Shopping Experience - Guided Tour

Take the mystery out of finding your perfect style!

We will guide you through the maze of clothing and
accessories to help you select the right attire for the real you!

Personalized shopping assistance has never been so easy!

There's a style that flatters you and leaves you feeling great about yourself. We'll discover that look together. Image coaching will help you put just the right new mix of essentials back into your closet.

You can look good — very good!

$99 per hour, 2 hour minimum.

Best Girls Night Out – invite 5 or more Friends for a group shopping experience and receive free Champaign. Price starts $499 for 3 hours

Make-up – Adonia Cosmetics

Do you love makeup? Hate it? Are you scared of it? Find it fun or frustrating? Applied well, makeup can transform you! That's what I love about it. There's a lot of confusing information out there about makeup. With the right guidance, techniques and colors, every woman can become her own best makeup artist!

All of this can be learned in a makeup consultation. It will teach you to be your own best makeup artist! Learn to apply makeup that enhances your look and suits your lifestyle — whether you wear a little or a lot, this is a great opportunity to explore new looks and refine your technique. You'll discover that makeup application does not have to be time-consuming or difficult to get the results you want.


 Group Tuition (Maximum 4 People) at $80 per person for 2h.
 Private Tuition at $99 for between 1h

The Get Hitched Consultant will personalise your make up for you, it will perfectly complement your skin colour, your hair and eyes, as well as your face shape and features. I will also teach you how to do it yourself, so you can get it right every time!
Great make up will finish up your look fantastically,

Cost includes: choosing a foundation to suit your lifestyle and choosing correct make up colours depending on skin tone, hair and eye colour. You will also be shown correct make up application techniques and different make up looks depending on whether it is day, night or you are wearing it to work.

Style Analysis –

'Your Personal Style Solutions' portfolio will show you exactly which garment styles, lengths, fabrics, accessories and speciality wear will suit you best and how to wear them.

To guide you on your way we will equip you with your very own 170 page portfolio on style, specifically written with your needs in mind. No two portfolios are ever the same. You will discover everything you will need to know about Impression Management, including: Clothes, Co-ordination, Grooming, Accessories, Casual Wear, Business Casual Wear, Professional Presentation, Modern Etiquette and much more.

'Your Personalised Style Portfolios' can be obtained via mail-order using our easy to follow questionnaire, or from a personal consultation with a professionally trained consultant.


• Personal Style Portfolio Consultation $200, takes 1h30min

Colour Analysis –

'Your Personal Colour Solutions' portfolio - Psychologists have determined that colour is the first thing noticed about a person. Its impact is immediate and lasting. Colour affects mood, apparent body shape, apparent age, your outlook to life and the overall impression you make on others. Wearing your best range of colours will make you look younger, healthier, vibrant and energetic. While wearing unflattering colours can make you look older, ill, exhausted or dull.

These facts make the discovery of the colours that work best for you an essential component in an image management program.

You will receive a high quality colour swatch and a personalised 60 page colour booklet containing all the information delivered during a consultation.


 Personal Colour portfolio - $200, 1h30min

'Your Personal Style and Colour Solutions' combined portfolio.

 Order Both (Style and Colour) On-line for only $200

 Personal Style and Colour Consultations for only $375

What is an Image Consultant?

An Image Consultant is someone who specialises in visual, verbal and non-verbal communication. Clients enlist the aide of an image consultant to enhance their appearance and to improve their communication and social skills for many reasons.

Everyday, like it or not, we are all judged by the way we choose to dress. While we may be silent our cloths, body language and grooming are continuously speaking volumes about who we are, how we feel about ourselves, our values and our general direction in life. It is impossible dress in a natural way. As the saying goes, every picture tells a thousand words.

What will an Image Consultation do?
 Stop you wasting money on clothes you rarely wear
 Eliminate guesswork when shopping
 Make shopping quicker and less stressful
 Make your daily visit to your wardrobe one filled with inspiration instead of frustration
 Increase your self-esteem and confidence
 Have others noticing the positive change in your appearance
 Empower you to dress and groom yourself for success

What will you gain from an Image Consultation?
 Experience an increase in their self-confidence
 Find your self esteem dramatically improved
 Improve the prospects for career and social advancement
 Enjoy new and exciting social interactions

All passion for life consultation’s are one-on-one with fully qualified and experienced professionals.

These programs will change the way you look at yourself and clothes forever.

1. Red Hot Beauty - Fatal Attraction
2. The Closet Shake Up!
3. Shopping Experience - Guided Tour
4. Make-up – Adonia Cosmetics
5. Seminars and Workshops Image Events to Inspire and Delight
6. Style Analysis - 'Your Personal Style Solutions'
7. Colour Analysis - 'Your Personal Colour Solutions' portfolio
8. What is an Image Consultant?
9. Get Styling e-Portfolio for Women